Yes ! Now We can measure the cornering-force during the circuit-run.

Cornering force is the one of the most important factor in circuit-run, bacause higher value of force means higher cornering-speed.

This time, I made a device that can measure acceleraition at intervals of 10ms. Along with this, sttering rate and revolution of the motor were measured in 300ms intervals.

全景PIC16F84 microprocessor is used. Size : 7X4.5cm less than 20g.

Program file

This was tested with F103LM as before at parking area nearby my home.

Above is the graph which excerpted ( the 30 - 60 s section in 170 seconds ) a part. The blue square is steering oparation rate ( left to up, right to down side), and the light blut dots are accelerationto side direction; a cornering force. Notice right side acceleration is up side of the scale.

Great !! That's it I wanted. Very reasonable data.

Below is acceleration and velocity.
Orange circle is velocity (left scale). There is a point to fail to take, but it is working.

I was surprised at a large vibration width. Especially, since then of 55 seconds, the width of "vibration" is equal to or more than 1 G.( In the perfection example in high-speed cornering, the dispersion value of vibration was to about 0.2 G be ).

Then, The unit was tested at circuit.


Because there was not enough time to adjust a rev-sensor sensitivity, the speed log didn't be measured this time, but it was perfect for G-logging ! I did it !!

To reduce "vibration" noise, I calculated the average in 300ms.
Below is the graph before smoothing
After smoothing...
Blue is steering, red is smoothed G.
Great ! It looks very good.

Analysis of these data on a viewpoint of correlation between cornering-force and sttering operation mekes me much interested.

1. At a parking
駐車場:ステアvsGX axis means value of sterring operation, Y is cornering force smoothed in 0.3s term. It was found there are two kinds response, one is linear, proportional response in the middle of the graph area, -50% to 50% area. Both side of the graph rather flat response, that means ' No more cornering with additional sttering' .

2. At a R/C circuit at a dry condition
タミヤ1:ステアvsGI can get less number of data points because of battery empty. This data means higher cornering force than parking, ca.1.5G.

3. At a R/C circuit at a wet condition
タミヤ2:ステアvsGWhen I started to log second data, it comes rainy, and tyre-grip was lowered as I can feel clearly. As the data, less force was indicated as 1.3to1.4G.

Any comments are welcome.